MT 26:40 Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. "Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?" he asked Peter. [41] "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
"Yes, your leader will make some good changes and he has already done so. But a leader cannot take violence from your streets. His power and authority are limited to his sphere of influence. Call for a national prayer. Call for preparedness. Call for "resurrection" within your own hearts. Do you think that I would not warn? When all would appear to be at rest is not the time to sleep. I do not say that "sudden destruction" would come upon you, but I do say that it is time to watch. It is ever time to be watchful and sober. Be ever vigilant about this. Do not sleep while the rest of the world is busy at work. There is a reason for having a "night watch," and I would say that many of you should do that. Set hours and set days for this. Then this nation will be "bathed in prayer." Then you will be "alerted" to what's happening. Again I say, be ever watchful. "
"It is time to come out of your comfort zones. It is time to speak about the kingdom. It is time for your light to shine. Would you want this year to fall prey to those who are in darkness? I say, that there has been a falling back. I say that many of you have mixed the things of the world with my word. Remember that man's philosophy is deceitful and hollow."
(The Lord showed me a hollow tree that had been laying down in the forest for many years. It was decaying. Inside it were several scraps of paper. As I was looking at these "scraps" of paper I noticed that none of them were readable, in fact, several of the letters and words had been omitted and were either smeared or indistinguishable. I then saw a Bible, and as each page was being leafed through, someone was actually taking "bites" of the pages and eating the word. This person had become almost like a skeleton from eating the paper in the hollow log. They now were being nourished on the "word" and their body now was filling-out and they were looking much more healthier.)
"How can you be sustained in this life without partaking of my word? Eat of it, and let it nourish you. It is time to have a "healthy diet." You are what you read, and you are what you think about. Is it any wonder that many of things that I have promised have not happened? If you are not partaking of my word then how can those promises be fulfilled? EAT and DRINK for my kingdom is upon you. This year will have many to eat the things of my kingdom. For you will need to be sustained in this year. You will need a healthy diet. You need to be a "mature man," without my diet you cannot become that. How can my army be "fit" without eating the things of my word? The enemy can triumph over you if you are not healthy. So, EAT and DRINK, this is my BODY given for you. "
REV 3:4 Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. [5] He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels. [6] He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
"The next season which is upon you will bring great change. The trees "bough down" and all of nature will see the effect of this change. My people, you have been going through a process to getting you ready for this. It now will be the time for you to receive new robes in my name. Up until now you have worn "shabby clothes." Many of you have worn the clothes of self-righteousness. Your journeys and your "wanderings" have made your clothes the way they are. For you needed that time; it was necessary, for you needed it. But now, come out into the light and see how it has affected your clothes. If you are bathed in my light then you will be "radiant." I will give you fine jewels to wear. For you will represent Me on this earth. A son or a daughter of the King would wear the things of the kingdom. For you would be royalty as well. But wear them with humility and honor, for I have given you these clothes. "
"My children, resist the things of the evil one around you. For he would come to steal your life away. He would have you to dress like the world does. Remember that he would attempt to imitate those things. He sought to become like Me but he fell. He tries to imitate the things of my light but he can not, for there is no light in him."
"Watch and wait for these things to be revealed. Watch for those who would attempt to "discolor" your robes. Remember that I AM looking for a bride without spot or blemish. Those who come to Me I will make their robes white. Then you will be my royalty, then you will represent my kingdom."
"I have come upon the scene for my church. I have ushered in a new restoration to the church. I have brought the foundation back to the church. But now there has been too much emphasis upon the foundation. I say, what is the Chief Cornerstone?"
(The Lord was showing me the foundational structure of a building. I looked at it and noticed that it was strong and secure and was "set into place" well. Then He showed me the foundation from above. I was peering at it from above and seeing how each piece of concrete and rebar were secured from how it had been fashioned. Now He showed me a single stone in the corner of the building. All the rest of the foundation seemed to "fit" into this stone. It had great importance but somehow, it had been neglected, for even though the rest of the foundation needed to be joined to it, it was still somehow, an "island." This single cornerstone also seemed to be below the rest of the foundation, even though it was also on the same "level" as the rest of the foundation.)
The Lord then said:
"On every important building there has been an original stone that has represented the architectç´ blueprint. The name and year of that building is oftentimes, engraved there. Remember that I AM the architect over my church. The rest of the building is dependent upon Me. Now, you can build higher if you draw attention back to Me. Will the stone that the builders rejected be once again received back? "
(Lastly, the Lord showed me a horse-drawn wagon. In the back of the wagon was a huge block of stone, perfectly cut and polished. It was tied-down on all sides so as for it to not fall off the wagon. It was being brought back so that its place would again be set properly in the building.)
The Lord again then said:
"This stone will help keep the building in its proper place. Without it the building would collapse. Now, let the building be rested upon this stone, and let attention be drawn to it. "
Eph. 2:19-20--Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with Gods people and members of Gods people and members of Gods household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief cornerstone.
I Pe. 2:6-8--For in scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone, and, "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall."
REV 19:19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. [20] But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. [21] The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
REV 19:9 Then the angel said to me, "Write: `Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!' " And he added, "These are the true words of God."
"Do you hear the music, do you hear the music playing? It is the sound of music in the streets. It is the sound of rain falling upon the window. It is the sound of a choir walking through the woods. What are they singing, you would ask? It is the sound of the Lion and the Lamb. It is the sound after the storm. It is the sound after the battle. It is the sound after the wounded have fallen. It is the sound after the eagles have circled in the sky. There the mighty have fallen in battle. There the evil has been vanquished. There is mourning for those who are lost in battle. But now the land will be healed. "
(I saw a scene of a man who had been shooting an arrow in battle. Other arrows had been shot and many had found there place in the men that they were intended for. Some had gone through the shields that they held up in front of them. I noticed the ground, and there were so many bodies on the ground, that one could not distinguish the ground from the bodies. There was blood everywhere from the battle that had been fought. Then I noticed the Lord Himself stepping down from a white horse and a cross was placed upon the ground, and He said: "Now let the rebuilding begin." Then the scene shifted suddenly....I saw a long table, a banqueting table from where the battle scene had been. The entire scene moved off to the left where this table was. Beautiful goblets and serving dishes were being placed there. Then it was as though a curtain was set-up suddenly between where the battle scene was and where the table was now to be. The curtains were being "dropped" upon where the blood had been shed in battle and where the earth had been scarred. The entire earth it seemed, was being blanketed with these curtains, and angels were dropping something upon the earth to create a new beginning, a new earth. Then at the banqueting table, there was a Lion seated at the front of the end of the table, and a Lamb at the other end. All were singing praises to the Lion and the Lamb. )
"Sing the song, sing the song with Me. You will sit with Me at my banqueting table on that day. You will drink from the cup with Me. For we have triumphed together in battle. This is not the end, it is just the beginning of my reign with you. "
(The Lord showed me a scene of a landscape. I saw a city nestled in next to the mountains. It seemed to be evening because the sky was dark. However, it may have been because of a storm that was approaching. I noticed that the wind had picked up and I saw lightening in the distance as it hit a tree. Then I was looking at a mountain scene and it was snowing. In the distance and the surrounding area, the blizzard was approaching and engulfing the entire mountain and area. As I continued observing this scene, I noticed that what I thought was snow, was actually the ocean rising higher and higher. This mountain scene was right next to the ocean. The water rose and the shoreline came up higher and higher. Out of the midst of the ocean came people. They came regimented with purpose and resolve. They had been waiting for this time and were now released upon the shore. As they came the sky had become darker and darker. On the shoreline, the word of God, a Bible, was placed. It was opened to Isaiah 9, and I heard the voice of the Lord say:
ISA 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
(After this, I saw a path in front of me. It was dark but a great light was in front of me. The light continually "shone" in front of this pathway as it lead outwards in the distance. The light shone down directly in front, but wouldn't shine far off into the distance. I was reminded about the scripture in Psalm 119: )
PS 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
(One of the important things to remember here is that the light was shining "directly in front of the person," it was a lamp unto his feet, not a beacon shining way off down the pathway. )
"Even though the earth and everything in it will be shaken, I have a people who will spread my word unto the nations. The mountains and the hills will be brought low and there will be tumult throughout the land. But when everything seems to be at its darkest, my light will shine at its brightest. Shout for joy, oh ye coastlines. My word is being spread in increasing power and strength. I have a people, a people who are ready for this hour. "
"Be ready for the things that are coming, and be prepared for them. When all appears dark, my light will shine all the brighter. "
[29] and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand and knelt in front of him and mocked him. "Hail, king of the Jews!" they said. Matt. 27
This process continued for some time, with the thorns being placed upon His head until the Lord finally said:
"They have attempted to put the crown of thorns on my head again, but I AM no longer the suffering servant. I AM the King of Kings." I have suffered for all of mankind, and I have risen from the dead. Do not place the crown of thorns on my head again. I have carried the sins of many and I AM a ransom for all. I AM the Lion and the Lamb. The sins have been carried and that part will always be done; and it is true that I would have you to identify with Me. But I have gone onto the Father and I no longer suffer for all of mankind. I paid the price once and for all. I still am a high priest, one whom you can come to, but my crown has been exchanged for one of a higher order. Would you come to Me as the King of Kings? I AM coming back to reign with righteousness and truth. My kingdom will have no end, and you will reign with Me as princes. But just as I will reign in righteousnes and truth I also long to reign in your hearts there now. Let Me reign there in the chambers of your heart. Let Me place my sceptor there to rule as well. Let Me set up my kingdom within you now. I AM calling forth an army to rule with Me. It is the kingdom of the Lion and the Lamb. You will rule with Me as kings and priests. Then the government shall be upon my shoulders and "true justice" shall prevail. Honor Me as King. I long to be King in your lives."
PS 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers.
ECC 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
(The Lord showed me a view of several trees. One of the first ones was one that would have been in the season of Autumn. The leaves were turning and had already been on the tree for some time now. There were piles of leaves on the ground all over the place and someone was raking them into other piles. Then it changed and there were various flowers and other things on the ground around the tree. It had just budded sometime earlier and was in shades of pinks and other pastel tones and colors. It was the season of Spring. The tree changed again and now it was a lush green one. It was in the midst of a pasture in Mid-Summer. The leaves and foliage had come out to their fullness. At the last I saw a very barren tree. There were no leaves and the winds were blowing upon it. There was snow on the ground and it was a quite different scene. However, something else was shown to me concerning this tree. Even though there were no leaves on it and it seemed to be totally barren on the surface, underground there were other things going on. It's root system was branching out and maintaining itself. There were nutrients in the soil that it was replenishing itself with and each root system would grow in other directions while this was happening. )
(Then I was shown a single duck and then noticed that it was part of an entire flock. They were all flying in one direction and then began flying that way seemingly because of the time of year. It was time to fly south for the Winter and migrate to warmer climate. Again I saw them, but now they were flying in the other direction back to where they had originally come from. I also saw other birds circling in the air around some of the trees in search for something.)
(Now there was what seemed to be a bonsai tree. A figure was next to it and was now beginning to trim the plant. One huge section was taken out and the tree seemed to be upset or damaged because of this. However, then the tree was held up for inspection. Now it was much more balanced and had a greater symmetry to it. It was important for the trimming process to have happened. Otherwise the tree itself would not have reached this stage in its development. )
"There is a process that you need to go through, my people. I have a "development plan" for each of you. I AM the Vinedresser and you are the vine. Remember that. Know the season that you are in. Understand the reasons behind it. There is a reason and a purpose for every season that you go through."
ISA 66:7 "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son.
ISA 66:8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.
ISA 66:9 Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God.
MT 24:4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. [5] For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many. [6] You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. [7] Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. [8] All these are the beginning of birth pains.
"There are things declared in the heavens and there are things declared in the earth. Those things that have been happening in the earth lately; the unrest and the upheavels point to the fact that you are in birth pangs. This earth and all that is in it has been going through changes. "
"Push....push....for you have been in the midst of labor. The contractions will become stronger and they will be spaced closer apart. Surely you will deliver and surely you will give birth. Even though there is trouble all around and even though you are in the midst of birth pangs, you will give birth. But I would say, what would you give birth to? Would it be children doomed to an unhappy destiny? My heart grieves for many of the things that have happened lately. My heart grieves about those who have been killed and shot. I have said in my word that when you see these things that you will know that the time is near for my soon return. I have said that this year will show forth many of these things. But who will care for the children? Who are the heroes they can look to? And who are yours, I would ask? They are disillusioned about many things. They need strong hands that can guide them, and they need an encouraging ear. Will you listen to those who are "crying out" to you? Awake I say, and put on my armor. Put on the armor of compassion. Put on the armor of mercy. Put on the armor of hope. Things can still be turned around. What will happen to this generation? Where will they place their hope? Will they find answers to their questions? Give birth I say, to the things that I want you to. Out of the ashes and out of the turmoil of this age will come a people chosen for this generation. Let it not be said that they were born in vain. Awake oh arm of the Lord and put on strength. Build-up the ruins and encourage the downtrodden. Such are the times and such are the ways of my people. "