Stephen A. Hanson


Week Six—True and False Words & Types of Prophecy


True words and False Words

1. True prophet that brings a true word--II Chron. 12:5

2. True prophet that brings a false word--I Kings 13

3. False prophet that brings a true word--Josh 13:22

4. False prophet that brings a false word--Numb. 23:5-10, 22:7, 24:1


Am I ministering to serve or to be seen?

Am I to be a minister or to minister?

Am I motivated by love, or power, or fame?

Is it a personal drive or God's desire?

To proclaim truth or to be heard?

Our message needs to be: balanced, scriptural, doctrinally sound.

Am I ministering to serve or to be seen?

Am I to be a minister or to minister?

Am I motivated by love, or power, or fame?

Is it a personal drive or God's desire?

To proclaim truth or to be heard?

Our message needs to be: balanced, scriptural, doctrinally sound.

Types Of Prophecy P:

1. Word of God
2. Messianic Prophecies
3. Biblical prophecies-(end time prophecy, etc.)
4. Personal prophecy

Spirit of Prophecy & the Song of the Lord:

Rev. 19:10, Jud. 14:6, Jud. 13:10; II. Chron. 24:20,
II.Chron. 20:12, 17, I. Sam. 19:20, 24, I Sam. 18:6, 7


I Tim. 4:14, Acts 13:1, 3; Titus 1:5; Acts 14:21, 23u

Activation:rity wh

During this week, we are to consider the word service or volunteer. We will bless one of our group members by praying and seeking the Lord for them. Eed

Remember these scriptures as we begin this week’s time:

1 Corinthians 12:7 "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."

1 Corinthians 12:11 "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."

· Seek the Lord

Pray for about one minute that God would begin to use you. (1 Corinthians 14:14 and 2 Tim. 1:6).

Believe that you will receive from the Lord.

· Remain Silent

Go silent, look inside, see and hear. Tune in to what God desires to share with you.

Remember that harsh and negative words are not to be voiced.

· Begin to Share

Who wants to share first?

Take turns sharing the word or thought or picture that the Lord gives you. Try to refrain from long words so all will have time to share.

Did these words “ring true”?

(Ask the volunteer to share)


1.     Did the words speak to you personally?

2.     Were they encouraging?


Ask the Group:


1.     Did you receive something similar that someone else shared?



Begin with a new volunteer


*Repeat the same steps above with a new person.

Write these Words Down


Remember to write these things down so that you will remember them for their value and

imput into your life.